Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Shaping a successful IT career!

Successful IT professionals not only approach their work in a different way than most, but they are also very focused and clear about their career objectives and plans. However, regardless of position, booming IT professionals are ambitious and share almost the same perspective. And being top of the line is not just about who has the best technical skills. It is maybe a paradox, that some of the folks who succeed in an IT profession are those whose technical skills are not in effect extra-ordinary. Of course, they can talk bits and bytes when they have to. But when it comes to understanding what makes an IT career progress forward, IT leaders realise that it is effective communication and people skills that matter most.

"I'd advise any person embarking on a career in IT to be willing, flexible and work hard - but it's partly about being in the right place at the right time. And, sometimes, you can engineer those right places and right times - not in a manipulative way, but by developing trusted working relationships with people. It's not all outside of your control." ~ Abby Ewans, IT Director at Simmons & Simmons.
Here are some insights to help shape, grow, and advance careers of IT professionals:
  •   Take charge of your career: Take responsibilities. Don’t waste time fulfilling someone else’s career objective. Realise, revitalise, and reinvent your career every day. IT is an evolving market, adapt new technologies, work smart, and embrace change as it occurs.
  •   Every encounter is an opportunity: You never know where the next big opportunity lies, make every conversation worth something.
  •   Focus on your strengths: Focusing on too many things at a time will not let you achieve the best.  Do whatever you do intensely as Robert Henri puts it.  Focus on your strengths, do what you love or what you are best at. Because this is how you will get your best upshot.
  •   Avoid being a Workaholic: Remember workaholics overproduce and overachieve at a cost – often a personal price for their unusual behaviour. Naturally, workaholics usually burn out after a period, long or short, to never recuperate their past performance.
  •   Relationships matter: IT is an extensive field. It is important to keep up with latest technologies and develop relationship with likeminded people who can provide solution support when needed. So, spend time building relationships outside the organization.
  •   Collaboration is the key: Let people around you share ideas, encourage feedback, and collaborate more often. Master the art of listening. Develop the discipline to listen more and talk less.
  •   Never stop working: IT is a challenging field, it demands constant supply of fresh ideas and new skills to remain afresh. Even if are fired or laid off, never stop working, not for a single day. Because the longer you are not engaged, the more it will drain your confidence. Immediately volunteer support for something that puts your skills to work.
  •   Make sure you get the respect you deserve:  Regardless of profession, your sense of self-worth is the most important thing. If you are not getting the respect you deserve, there is no reason to struggle or suffer an obnoxious boss.
  •   Deliver Exceeded value: Develop more skills, remain on top of evolving technologies, embed new ideas, and be innovative with your work to over-deliver and exceed expectations.

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